Do you have any My Little Pony fans in your house? I do! When Pumpkin turned 7 last year, she wanted to have her first sleepover birthday party with a My Little Pony theme. I found and created some My Little Pony games for the party and thought you might enjoy the ideas as well.
The My Little Pony theme was such a fun theme for which to find ideas, games, activities, decorations and food. I’m sharing the ideas I found for My Little Pony games and activities today. Next week, I’ll share the ideas I came up with and found for food and after that I’ll have the cute printables I put together that just brought the whole party together.
The first activity I came up with was to buy the sun catchers at Michael’s for the girls to make. I found some that were unicorns, which is perfect for My Little Pony. I bought one pack of the little pens with which the girls could decorate their Princess Celestia’s Sun Catchers. I also made up a cute set of tent markers and other printables to add to the cuteness.
This was a messy and fun craft for the girls. I put down a piece of wax paper under each sun catcher so if any of the paint got off Princess Celestia’s sun catchers, it wouldn’t stain the table forever.
The girls did a great job on the unicorns and cupcakes. Just be aware of the pens full of the paint for the sun catchers. Some of them just completely squirted out all over the place. It made a huge mess. Thank goodness I had given the girls old t-shirts or paint smocks. 🙂
The next game we played was Pin the Cutie mark (affiliate link). This is a store-bought game I found at Party City that Pumpkin really wanted. It came with the cutie mark stickers and a little blindfold. The girls really enjoyed the game.
Where does that cutie mark go?
Another activity we had was Rainbow Dash’s Hoof Decorating.
My older daughter, snowflake, got to invite one friend over to have someone to spend time with while her little sister was partying. Turns out the older two girls really wanted to do everything that little girls did. Thankfully, pumpkin is really easy-going and didn’t mind her big sister participating in the party.
The big girls were super helpful when it came time to do Rainbow Dash’s Hoof Decorating. They wanted to do the hoof decorating. Snowflake’s friend even did some designs on the nails for the girls. They were all so excited to get their nails done and to get designs on them.
While their nails were drying, the next activity was to watch the newest My Little Pony Movie – Equestria Girls (affiliate link).
The final activity at our party was created by the girls. While Mr. T and I were making their special breakfast, they made a fire (the bricks in a circle with leaves in the center…not a real fire), pulled up chairs and sang camp fire songs. It was so cute! Mostly they were songs they had learned on Girl Scout camping trips since almost all of the girls are Girl Scouts. It was fun to see them come up with their own great activity.
The girls had a great time and Pumpkin was so happy with her 7th birthday party. We had another activity or two that related to food or the printables, so I will show you those next week in the next post about this party. Can’t wait to show you the fun we had with our food and My Little Pony theme!
If you want more Birthday party ideas, you can visit my Real Birthday’s Pinterest Board.
Follow The Real Thing with the Coake Family’s board Real Birthdays on Pinterest.
Have you had a My Little Pony Party? Do tell, please share your activities and games. You know sharing is caring and helps other in their planning! 😀
More birthday party fun for you:
Visiting from SITS Spring Fling and YES a few years ago I did have a My Little Pony party for my daughter. We had rainbow cupcakes and lots of pony stuff in her goody bags. Carrots (goldfish wrapped in plastic shaped like a carrot), apple crispy treats and other stuff I cannot remember but it was fun! … from
My daughter–who turned 7 in December–is OBSESSED with My Little Pony. We had a Zumba party for her but I’m thinking I might do this with her and a couple of friends just because. Love the ideas from the othe commenter as well!
Another fun, safe idea for a “camp fire.” All you need are some cellophane candy wrappers in red and yellow, and a large, 6 volt flashlight. Stand the flashlight on end, and crumple the candy wrappers on top of the light. It glows through the wrappers and looks like flame. If you don’t have a large flashlight, put one or two regular flashlights, laying down, in a deep bowl. Pile the candy wrappers on top. I keep a bag of the candy wrappers in my craft supplies. The kids love to have a campfire and a tent in the family room.
I love this! My 2 younger daughters will love this. And hopefully my older daughter will get involved like yours did!
My youngest daughter is turning 2 this year and I want to do a My Little Pony party. I really need tips on games and food! Please, anyone with ideas…HELP!!
Hopefully the ideas in the post were able to help you. At the bottom of this post, there are also links to a few other posts I did about our My Little Pony party. You can also see a link to the My Little Pony Party Pinterest board I have. Hope all of those are able to help you out.