Have you started your Christmas gift shopping yet? I know, if you are like me those are evil words at this point…yet it is time to start thinking about these things even if we want to stick our heads in the sand and pretend we still have tons of time until Christmas. Yes, I know a bunch of you are going to leave me a comment about how you started shopping months ago…this printable will work for you as well. I just don’t really want to hear about it. 😉
OK…so now I have to tell you why I created this printable. I have a terrible memory. I think I inherited my gift memory from my mom. When I was growing up, she was famous for hiding presents around the house and come Christmas day or the day after or even later, she would find something she bought for one of us. I must admit that I have done the same thing. I usually remember the present on Christmas Eve, but still, there is a mad dash of me trying to remember exactly what I bought and where I put it.
This year, I decided that I would make a printable to help me remember what I bought, who it was for as well as where I put it. It is mostly to track the things I buy for my kids. Though I think I will enjoy using it to keep track of the gifts for our family that live all over the country.
I will obviously have to be very careful where I leave this planner/tracker so my kids can’t find it. I do have a great hiding spot for that. I did this last year with their presents on a small slip of paper…this year it will just be much more organized and cuter. Love that!
You can use this to brainstorm ideas and then to stay on track with your budget as you shop. I love things like this because I love going to Starbucks and doing all my Christmas shopping while sipping on a Chai Tea Latte…now that is a Happy Holidays for me! To help keep yourself on track this holiday season, all you have to do is download your free printable, fill it in and enjoy the holiday season.
This will be a great help for forgetful Mom! Love it! you have great ideas!
Glad you liked it!