It seems like every summer I go on an organization binge. This summer, I had to scale back my expectations since we were gone for so much of the summer. I still managed to fit in a project or two before we left and I have a project or two in the works. I have so many more to do…but I guess I will either have to fit them in during the school year or suffer as is.
Just before we left, I gave our small linen closet a polish up. It wasn’t in that much disarray, but the inspiration hit me one day so I went into organization mode. I totally love organization mode. It just makes me have warm fuzzy feelings! 🙂
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As with many homes, our home has a serious lack of storage space. Our house is 1,950 square feet. It is the largest home we have owned and it seems to have the least amount of storage space. Can someone explain that to me?
We have one small coat closet downstairs along with a small pantry in the kitchen. We also have one small linen closet at the top of the stairs. Then we have a closet in each room and that is the vast expanse of our storage space. I have to work to attempt to maximize the storage space.
I know some of the pictures are a little odd. It is really hard to take pictures of a small linen closet that is situated at the top of a flight of stairs. This is the linen closet before I got started. It was about as bare as it ever is. We were low on toilet paper, tissue and the laundry hadn’t been put away…so this picture is a little deceptive in that it looks like we have lots of extra space. We don’t.
Another angle to give you a different view of the closet as well as show you that Mr. T keeps his tools in the bottom of this closet. These are just the tools that we access more often. The rest are in a shed outside.
As you can see, everything got labeled and rearranged in my organization. Had I had the time, I probably would have finally painted this closet. Having a white closet would make it feel more spacious and look more modern even if it isn’t.
The labels will help so much because I rarely put towels away. Usually, the kids fold the towels and Mr. T puts everything away. He tends to be messy and can’t seem to remember what goes where so labeling everything makes it fool proof. Now, he can’t tell me he doesn’t know where things go. Or if he does, we will take him to the eye Dr. LOL!
Let me show you in more detail.
The top shelf, which is the most difficult to access, holds our beach towels and the extra supply of tissues along with the humidifier.
I totally was about to get rid of the humidifier because we never use it since we moved to a humid state, but then my oldest daughter had a cold and it seemed to help. Glad it helped, but secretly wish it hadn’t because I want to get rid of things and it gets used so rarely I hate taking up space for it.
The next shelf has Mr. T and my towels along with all our supplies for doing nails. Placing our towels up higher works for us and allows the lower shelves for the kid’s things.
This little bin keeps all the nail polish, etc. contained in the corner of this awkward closet. It maximizes the space and allows up to easily get out what we need.
The middle shelves of the closet contain baskets of extra supplies along with the kid’s towels, washcloths, and the all important toilet paper.
I like to keep an extra of every toiletry that we use. Everyone knows that when they pull it off of this shelf it is to go on the grocery list. That system allows us to budget these items out over a few weeks if we need to. Also, we usually don’t have the problem of totally running out of something. There are certain people in the house that are really good at this and some that forget. Then they end up without what they need.
Oh and by the way…yes I am a product hound. I have my own basket. Enough said. 😉
The following shelf has a bin with the extra things for the kids along with their towels and washcloths for the whole family.
The girls have a bin with their extras. They know that they are to let me know when they have taken something out of the bin. They get that about half of the time. Just looking at this picture, I see a few things I need to add to the grocery list. Oh well… they will learn eventually, right?
I love this storage idea! I saw this in a Better Homes and Gardens Secrets of Getting Organized magazine (affiliate link). Genius! It is an office supply product. It is just a file sorter
(affiliate link). Roll up your washcloths so they fit and voila…no more mess of washcloths on the shelf. Works like a charm.
As you can see, this is our small closet at the top of the stairs. I’m pretty sure I maximized every square inch of that space.
In case you are wondering, we keep our sheets in the closet in the room to which they belong rather than here. I’m good at organizing, but I’m not that good. Couldn’t figure out how to make them fit as well. Though I have the idea of putting a shelf up in our bathroom for our towels. Then we could possibly fit the girl’s sheets in here, but not the extra mattress pad…so their closets work for now.
What tips do you have for maximizing small spaces with organization? I’d totally love to hear! I’m a total organizing nerd like that. 🙂
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Awesome! I love to see neatly organized small spaces – wish I had this type of encouragement when we were still living in military housing (talk about small spaces).
Looks great to me! I gutted out my hall linen closet this summer and look forward to creating a beautiful, yet organized system in the future. Right now my hands are a bit full so it’ll have to wait. 🙂
We don’t have that much cupboard space either, in the UK our houses tend top be smaller anyway it seems. I hate the fact I can’t really stock up on bargains as there is just no-where to put them. If I bought that many toilet rolls I’d have to use the packet as a foot stall or something!
So I love any tips I can pick up to maximize what we have, the wash cloths in the magazine racks idea is very clever. Thanks
LOL! Well, I think that is very American of me to have that many toilet paper rolls. 😉 I love the washcloths trick…so fun to find that one in the magazine.
Having one of those little chalkboard lists inside the door would probably help refine that really excellent system of yours! Having a back up of everything is just genius.
That is a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion. Well…not sure if it is genius so much as I hate running out and not having what I need. 🙂
I use bins in my closets, and they work great. I like the rack you used for towel wash clothes and labeling the bins, etc. Some very clever ideas here…thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Jodee! Yes, bins are so helpful most anywhere. They just help keep things contained. Makes life easier IMO.
These are some really great ideas!
Looks great! I love the way you organized the wash clothes.
Stopping by from Linky to get Featured. Love the washcloth divider! Genius! Pinning:)
Glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by.
The next shelf has Mr. T and I’s towels along …really you’ve got to be kidding…I’s is not a word in any sense….the sentence should be ‘the next shelf has Mr. T and my towels…and you have children so hope you aren’t teaching them the incorrect usage of I, you, me, our, etc.
Thanks for pointing out my error. Always glad to learn…grammar and I tend to fight. Though I keep trying to improve.
Now a comment for you. Next time you leave a comment like this, you could be less snarky and more kind. I am a human being and appreciate learning and don’t mind my errors being pointed out but rudeness is just uncalled for.
I agree with your reply to Grandma Queen. If this were a site that is for grammar, a nice comment would be good. However, not the purpose of this page. I love using the file sorter for the towels, washcloths, etc.
I have a large linen/supply cabinet in the hallway outside our regular bath. The bottom shelf is for large towels. Second shelf is for cleaning supplies, extras of shampoo, conditioner, etc. Top shelf is for toilet paper, paper towels, tissues. At 5’1″ tall that is a real stretch for me. The hand towels/wash cloths or in a top drawer under the shelves. I’ve organized and re-organized this linen closet sooooooooooooo many times. My hubby is not picky as long as he knows where the wash cloths are. We have no children at home. I do not care about pretty as far as containers. Organization is pretty enough by itself.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for sharing.
It sounds like you have it well organized. I’m happy to try to help, but I’m a little unclear what you would suggestions you would like. Would it help you to have a step ladder or stool right there to make it easier to get things from the top shelf?
That’s the same size & placement of my linen closet! I roll everything because otherwise nothing would fit, and I have done something similar with Dollar Tree bins. It helps the kids find the extra toothpaste, etc. when they are looking.
Exactly! Love that it is working for someone else!
You did a great job! I’m really thankful the house we’re now has lots of closet space, but I still struggle with keeping it organized. A big closet is nice until you can’t find your stuff in it 😉 I can definitely use some of these tips!
the file sorter is a great idea, who knew!?
I know, right! Wish I could say it was my idea. I found it in the magazine I mentioned in the post. It works really well!
Organizing the washcloths in that caddy is clever. I have a tiny hall linen closet that needs to be “cute-ified” like yours. My DH thinks it silly to work on a place no one sees – but I see it! I enjoy my house when it’s eye appealing!
I love the washcloth idea!! I think my linen closet needs an overhaul soon! We live in a 1500 sq. ft. house built in the 1940’s, so we are lacking storage space as well and what closets we do have are not large. But it always keeps me thinking about how to solve our storage solution problems!! 🙂
Hi love your tips especially the file organizer for the washcloths def using that. Where did you get your labels??
I bought a package of chalkboard labels. I think I got them at Hobby Lobby, but I’m not positive. They were full sheet adhesive chalkboard labels that I cut to size and some that were precut into a pretty rectangle shape. Hope that helps.
Quick question…where did you get your labels from? Great job, love the file system for the washcloths!
Thanks! I’m pretty sure I bought a pack at Hobby Lobby. They were pre-cut and I cut them a bit more. The labels on the shelf were a full sheet that I cut to size. Again, I think I got them at Hobby Lobby, but it has been a while and I’ve used them on several different projects so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Hope that helps!
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if the mattress pads are waterproof, you can keep the extra sheets on the bed! Put on the mattress pads and sheets, and then put the extra mattress pads and sheets on top of that. Then you just pull off the top layer and wash when you need to and the extras are already on there.
Interesting idea. I would think it might be hard to stretch the sheets/mattress pad over multiple layers of bedding. But it works?
I’Ve always done it on the crib size mattresses, so those only have the mattress pad and fitted sheet anyway, but it works fine, so problem having them fit over top. I’ve done it on my son’s twin size bed and it worked, but again only used the mattress pad and fitted sheet. Didn’t try with a spare top sheet, but I think it would work if you tucked it around tightly first. Certainly wouldn’t with the quilt/comforter though, we keep his spare in a plastic bin under his bed.
Oh, I see. That makes sense. Good to know that it works. Thanks for the tip!
I keep my folded sheets between the mattress and box springs of the respective bed they go on.
That is a super smart idea! Have you ever noticed that it warps the box springs or the mattress at all?
Love the file organizers which would help with large towels. Right now I roll the towels and stack them with cleanest going on top.
This is incredible what you’ve done to make the most of your limited space! And I love that you’ve separated what is for the kids and for M&D. That would make my life so much easier if my kids knew exactly where to find their things in the storage. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you! It really does help having the kids and the adults things separate.