The good news to me is that I did my first ever official speed workout! I chose to do a ‘strides’ workout this week. I got the plan for strides from the book (and the pdf update to the half marathon training plan on their website)Β Train Like a Mother(affiliate link). For this speed workout, I did a 10 minute warm up run then I used my stopwatch and ran fast for 30 seconds with a 1 minute recovery run. I repeated this process 3 additional times and ran about 12 more minutes to finish out my usual 3.5 mile morning run.
Here’s the thing: Strides were not nearly as bad as I had imagined them to be. They were actually fun! I had read that people said speed workouts were fun and I didn’t believe it for one minute. I guess I have to believe them now as I actually enjoyed the speed workout. My IT band on the other hand did NOT enjoy the speed workout. It was irritated by the end of the run.
The following day I went for my long run, 8.5 miles this week(my longest ever run!). My IT band was really irritated following that run. I even had to walk some during that run to make sure I wasn’t overdoing it.
I had known that my IT band would likely be an issue as I worked toward training for the half marathon. It was an issue in my training for my 10k. I guess I just didn’t expect it this soon. The thing that I have learned about the IT band is that increasing speed or hills or distance can irritate it. This week I did back to back speed training and the longest distance I have ever run. I increased in two areas. So thus begins the modifications of my plan. I wasn’t able to get in my second 3.5 miles this week as I needed to take the day off and let my IT band rest. I, of course, have done my physical therapy exercises for the IT band and will continue to do them. I am going to have to make it up as I go next week and see what my body can handle. Speed and distance are both important to me…hmm…any tips or advice? I sure am glad I am starting my training early when you compare my training schedule to the ‘usual’ 12 week schedule. It is giving me some wiggle room to do what I need to do and respect my body at the same time. (At least I hope that turns out to be true.)
I learned a couple of other things this week, but in the interest of keeping this post a manageable size, I will share them another time.
Thanks for joining me in my training journey. If you want the latest info., follow me on twitter or facebook, where I feed my workouts and other tidbits along the journey.
Have a great week! Happy training to those of you also training for a half marathon (or any size race)!
I saw you on Financial Friday. I’m right there with you, I live in MS the heat and humity are killing me on my morning runs. It’s been 75 degrees at 5 a.m. Good luck with your Half. Visit me at
Yes, I am sure you are right there with me in the heat and humidity. Good golly, I am amazed that you can get up at 5am to run. I am not nearly that dedicated. I have been getting up at 7am. I wish I were a morning person, it would make it a little easier. Think for the next month or more, I am going to have to get up at 6 or 6:30 for the longer runs to make them work.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments!
Nice work on the speed training! It really does help. Are you using a foam roller regularly for your IT Band issues? And icing after every run, not just when it hurts? Preventative measures were the only thing that got me past my IT Band issues, and now I rarely have them. I couldn’t run more than 7 miles a few years ago. Once I started rolling with the foam roller twice a day (seriously) every day, and icing after each and every run…then I was able to add on miles without pain! π Good luck to you…BAMR!
Thanks so much my friend! I have been using the foam roller but only before and after a run. No, I am not icing every time I run, only when it hurts. Sounds like I have yet another level of dedication to go if I want to make this half marathon work. I really appreciate your tips because I know you have been there and you have run so many great races now! Thanks and back at you, you BAMR! π
Awww, thanks! π I roll in the AM, and again at night. and anytime I’m at the gym. It really really helps. And the icing is a great non-invasive way to help curb any inflammation that might be building up. You don’t need much, maybe 10-15 minutes. I just come home, wrap my knees up (well, the sides of my knees) in an ice bag, and check my phone for FB or update my daily mile. π LOL! And if I’m heading out for a long run, I would pre-treat with advil. I don’t need to anymore, but these measures really helped get me though my training without setting me back with more injuries. Also, changing shoes helped A LOT. Have you looked into that?
I should also add… strength training and cross training were the biggest improvement in my training this spring. I actually ran LESS and cross trained more in prep for my Rock n Roll Half (sub 2 hour goal). Spin class, strength training twice a week, and swimming. I actually only ran maybe 2-3 times per week. Only one long run. Although you’re following the TLAM plan, and that’s good too. π The strength training really helped my IT band issues though.
I bought new shoes when I had the first flare up of the IT. That was right before my 10k. They do seem better than the old ones.
Yay! I am doing one bit of something well. I only ever run a max of 3 days per week. I do strength training, yoga, or physical therapy the other days. Can’t do spinning because of my hip (not allowed to ride a bike or I may tear more cartilage…boo!) and I don’t have access to a pool, though I would LOVE swimming. I totally notice a difference with strength training and helping my knees and IT band. Plus, I’ve got some good guns from doing push ups and other upper body stuff! Haha!
I am going to start rolling daily and working toward 2xs a day. I am also going to start icing no matter what. I can’t do the Advil because I am allergic to it…which really made things challenging after my hip surgery.
Thanks so much for all of your tips!