If you subscribe to the philosophy that glitter makes anything and everything better and you like making Halloween crafts, you are going to LOVE this post! I’ve got a cute, glittery and easy to make idea for you that you can add to your Halloween decorations.
I am so glad I got this cute craft finished. It is well… so cute! I love the colors and the glitter. If you want to make a similar craft for your Halloween decorations or maybe to add a fun touch to a Halloween Party, it will just take a little paint, a little glitter and a little time. You have those things? Well then let me show you how to get crafty.
Craft Supplies:
- BOO Letters
- Ghost Cutout
- Paint
- Glitter or the Gem decals you see above
- Paintbrush
- Mod Podge
So, I had a change of plans about this craft after I took the picture above. Does that every happen to you? You go into a craft with one idea in mind and switcho-chango mid way? I had thought those gem stickers would bling up the letters, but after painting them, I realized I really wanted to go for glitter instead. You can easily do either way.
I also had a bit of a craft fail as a part of this project. I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.
I got my letters and ghost from Pick Your Plum(affiliate link). I’ve told you about them before, and yes I’m an affiliate (yet I rarely make ANY money from being their affiliate). I just really like what they offer. You should check them out. They have some fun deals at good prices. This was one. Since they most likely no longer have these for this year, you can also get letters at a craft store. This time of year, I bet you can find a ghost as well.
Start by painting your letters and your ghost. I went with black for the letters and white for the ghost. Allow the paint to dry and set for an hour or two.
To add the glitter to your letters, paint the top of the letter with Mod Podge. Work quickly so that the Mod Podge does not begin to dry.
Sprinkle the surface of your letter evenly with the glitter. I do this in a cookie sheet that I only use for crafting. Let me tell you, it makes working with glitter positively lovely! There is virtually no mess and I LOVE that….cuz I really don’t need more to clean(ahem – or rather not clean) around here.
Use the end of a paintbrush or pencil dipped in paint to make the eyes on the ghost.
Now you should be done…unless you want to make the same mistake that I made. Please don’t make the same mistake I did! It will just take you extra time and money. I was so happy that I had used less than half of the bottle of glitter. I ended the project having used the entire bottle of glitter.
I swear I had heard somewhere that you could Mod Podge over the glitter in order to make it stay and not slowly fall off and/or leave little bits of glitter all of your house. I decided to do that with this black glitter. Huge mistake! I put the Mod Podge on last night and went to bed feeling all smart and triumphant.
I woke up to this. The letters barely have any sparkle to them.
They look more like I wanted them to look like sandpaper, not glittery. So, NOT the look I was going for because sandpaper letters just don’t cut it for me. I want cute and sparkle and glitter. Unless I used the wrong type of Mod Podge, I recommend that you NEVER put a coat of Mod Podge on top of glitter.
THIS is what the letter should look like. So much better. See that sparkle and glitter?! After discovering my error this morning, I just added another layer of Mod Podge and more glitter. I ended up using the WHOLE bottle of glitter on this one project. Oh well. I almost never actually finish a container of glitter, so at least it won’t be sitting around on my shelf looking at me all sad and wondering why I never use it. 😉
There you have it. Another for our Halloween crafts this year. You like?
This craft has gone on my mantle. I have one more project to complete, hopefully tonight and tomorrow and I will post it Wednesday or Thursday. I’m hoping to have it all pulled together to show you the whole Halloween mantel on Friday. We will see! I so need to get back to being organized and writing my daily schedule like I showed you. With the whole transition of my daughter to public school, I’ve been less structured and therefore less gets done. Humph!
What Halloween crafts are you working on this year? Getting them done, or has this year been a slow going craft year for you as well?
More Halloween fun for you:
Love this! A fun Halloween project to do with or without kids.
Thanks so much!