This post has been a long time coming but I’m finally sharing with you some changes we have been making around our house. I’ve got some home decorating ideas for you using an IKEA rug. You might think that changing a rug out would be simple, but alas it didn’t quite work out that way. This tale began long ago…back in May.

As you can see above, the change of the rug makes quite a difference in our living room. It had been a long overdue project mainly because when you need a rug as large as we do for this room…they are quite expensive. I’ve got an idea for you if you are in the same position and a tip or two as well. 

When we moved into this house (7 years ago now) I found a great deal on this rug from Pottery Barn. We had different furniture at the time and it went with that furniture as well as this newer furniture. (Can you see our cat’s favorite chair?)
The problem: after 7 years the rug was on its last breath. It was coming apart and can you see all the little balls in the bottom picture? Those are pieces that are coming up.
I had looked for a very long time for new rugs for our living room. This rug was 9ft by 12ft. Lately most of the rugs I have seen that are that size are at least $600! Whew…out of my price range for sure. Then when at IKEA one day, I started looking through their rugs. I found this ADUM rug. I like the color, the texture and the price. Now, here is where I went really wrong. Earlier this year, my husband got a bonus. We decided to get a new rug with some of the money. I stopped by an IKEA on my way home from a blog conference (the same one where I hit a deer on the way home….so my mistake ended up being a good one).
I bought two of the ADUM rugs in the 4’4″ x 6’5″ size. Assuming that two of them put together would equal 8’8″ x 13′. What a great deal! It was only $120 (plus some additional for some padding under the rug). Thankfully I made this mistake because on that trip I hit a deer on a major freeway while traveling 75mph. The deer and my car didn’t fare too well. My husband and kids had to drive the 1.5 hours to pick me up and fit all the stuff I had bought into his car. Had I bought the right sized rug, it never would have fit. So, I’m glad I was a dingy in this instance.
Fast forward to a week or so later, we clear the whole room and clean up the floors to get ready for the new rug. That is when it hits me…these rugs are too small. Two of them will either equal 8’8″ x 6’5″ or 4’4″ x 13′. Ummm…so totally not what I was going for. We contemplated getting in the car right them to drive to IKEA (the nearest IKEA is 1.5 hours from our house), but then realized there was no way to fit the kids and the rugs in the car. So, we lived with our living room like this for another 2 weeks…the furniture sliding all around was fun!
Finally, we got the correct sized rugs. We decided that rather than piece 4 of the smaller rugs together, we would get two of the same rug in the 6’7″ x 9’10”. Our finished rug size is 13′ 2″ x 9′ 10″ and it works perfect for our room. The larger rugs, of course, came with a larger price tag. They were $129 each(now they are $149), for a total of $260 plus the padding ($10 each and I think we bought 3). I guess you could say we had the gas as well for all this running around, but the initial trip was on the way home from a blogging conference and the return trip was while my husband was in that area for work…so that part kind of worked out.
Now the $290 for the rugs and padding was not as great of a deal as I hoped for, but for a rug this size…that is a fantastic deal.
In order to keep the run in place and add a little bit of padding, we used the STOPP FILT rug underlay from IKEA. They don’t sell one the same size as the rug, so we bought three of the largest and pieced them together. We used single sided pressure sensitive carpet tape
. It was really simple. Just a matter of lining the one side of the tape up with the straight edge of the rug underlay. Then placing the second rug underlay on the other half of the tape and pressing down.

In order to get the correct size pad on the first try, we used our blue painter’s tape
to mark out the size of the rug on the floor. and worked to get the pad the right size within those tape marks. This also helped when it came time to roll the rug out. It gave us a guideline so we didn’t have to roll the rug out and move it around or roll it back up to get it in the correct place. With a rug this large, it was hard and heavy to move, so these blue tape marks helped us get it right the first time with only needing to make small little adjustments.

After getting the pad put together and rolling out the first rug, I thought the best thing to do was lay down on this wonderful plush feeling rug and Instagram.
Now it was time to tackle the joining of the two rugs together. I really thought that we would be able to join them together and not be able to tell at all…I guess I thought I was a professional carpet installer. I’m not! You can see the seam in the rugs. It bothers me a little bit, but I like the new rug so much and the price works for our budget, so I’m still happy with our choice.
Having never seamed two rugs together before, I set off not having a clue what I was doing. This rug is a high pile, so for me, the hardest part was getting the carpet fibers out of the way in order to know where to place the rug on the rug tape. By the end of the process, I was using the blue tape
to hold those carpet fibers back on both sides. I think this worked the best to get the two rugs the closest together I could. Then I just removed the blue tape and moved on to the next section. The sections of rug I did this way do look the best and the seam is the least visible. It is still visible. I have thought of going back with a pair of scissors to trim the differences, but I am afraid to cut and ruin the rug.

Anywho…the seam is hard to see in these pictures but easily visible in the room. In the end, we have a new rug and we LOVE it! Can you see how it lightens our room up? We also love the new fluffier feel under our feet. It is a fun rug to lay or lounge on as well. For $310 (including the 4 boxes of carpet tape) we have a brand new very pretty rug!
Apparently stains come out fairly well also. We have already gotten chocolate on it (twice) and managed to get it up. Yay for that!
Now that we have the new rug…I have so many other projects I want to tackle in this room. I so want to remove the chair rail and paint all the trim white. I want to make a whole wall of shelving and update the artwork on my walls….so many ideas so little time and money.
I think the next thing I want to tackle is this fireplace. I want to paint it so badly. Can you imagine how much that would also lighten the room up? It would be so lovely!
Do you think I should try cutting the carpet fibers along the seam line to see if it will even things up? Or do you think that will make it worse/ruin the rug?
The reason you might can see the seam is the nap. Maybe you have the nap going one way on one rug and another way on the other. Just and idea. So check and feel the rugs and you should be able to tell.Nap it like velvet you can run it the wrong way and it shows up.
Ohh, thank you so much for that tip. I will have to check that. If it is the wrong way it will be a pain to move everything and change it, but it would be worth it in the end.
Thanks so much!
I want to paint my fireplace too but I’m scared!
I’m not scared to do it, just haven’t made the time or money available yet. I also can’t decide if I want to paint it or just put river rocks up over the brick…hmmm. One is much easier than the other. You should totally paint your fireplace.
Take care,
Good job with the new rug! I once had a brick fireplace and was so afraid to paint it, but once I did I was so happy with it! What a great transformation!
Yeah, I know that once I decide what I want to do with the fireplace I will be happy with the change. I don’t like it and I have looked at it that way for 7 years…wish I could make up my mind! lol!
Take care,
I think your rug(s) worked out very well! I’m a big fan of IKEA (ours is only 20 min. away), and find that they have so many really wonderful and budget-friendly answers to a lot of decorating issues or challenges. I vote YES for painting your fireplace! I think that would look amazing!
Thank you! Yes, I love IKEA! I’m in the process of re-doing our master bedroom with the help of IKEA…because why stick to just one project (the living room) when I can do two or three or more at one time! 😉
I plan to either paint or river rock over the fireplace…when I make up my mind.
Take care,
The rugs look nice, and the FP would look better (and more updated) painted. Go for it! Dropping by from Met Monday.
Yep, I totally agree. I just can’t decide between painting it or putting river rock over it. Then if I paint it, I can’t decide what I want to do with the mantel, etc., etc. I just need to make up my mind and then go for it before I change my mind again. 🙂
Take care,
That rug looks great! And it brightens the entire room! I love Ikea! There is a world of good ideas there for sure!
Thank you, Ilene! Yes…I think I might have an IKEA problem and I think it is a very good thing that the nearest one is 1.5 hours away! lol!
Hope you are doing well and adjusting to your new everything!
The change from the rug alone is awesome, but painting the fireplace would be a HUGE home run in lightening up your living room. Nice job on the rug! You are proof that sometimes it really pays to think outside of the box 🙂
Thanks so much! Yes, I can’t imagine what a great difference it will make when I get around to doing something with the fireplace.
Take care,
What a great different just to change the rug ! Beautiful ! Great job !
Yes, it sure is a big difference. Thanks!
Wow, what a difference! Love how much just that one changed brightened up your room!
Thanks! We sure are enjoying the change as well.
Take care,
Beautiful update! I love the new light colored rug. I’d love if you’d link up to The DIY’ers!
Thank you! It sure does make a difference, doesn’t it.
Take care,
The rug makes a huge different in the look and feel of the room. I love its texture and color, too. I know that when the pros tape (with heat) two rug seams together in floor to floor carpet, they use a tool to “brush” the fibers of the carpet together to blend the seam. You wouldn’t want a permanent seam so heat to tape the seam together with carpet tape isn’t an option, but what I’m thinking is perhaps using the kind of wire brush one uses to brush a pet and trying that out on the carpet. Sort of work the teeth down to the base of the carpet and wiggle it back and forth a few times to sort of mush the fibers together? Something like that. I wouldn’t “brush” it so much as try to mesh it together.
That is an interesting idea. I just might have to give it a try and see if it works. I thought I had seen that after they do this brushing thing they also clip any longer fibers, but maybe I am making that up somehow.
Thanks for your idea.
This rug really looks great in your room! I also am looking at the Adun rug and and wondering whether yours has shed?
Nope. I haven’t noticed any shedding. It has done very well. The white does get dirty…probably not the best choice with two kids, a dog and a black cat. 😉 Still, I’m happy with it. Good luck in your decision making!
Just wondering if you like the stopp filt underlay you used under your rug. I just bought one and it seems sticky…hoping it won’t do any damage to my hardwood floor or leave any residue. What has your experience with it been like?
P.S. I vote for river rock on your fireplace 🙂
It is kind of sticky. I do like it. I feel like it helps keep the run in place. With kids and a dog, it would be easy for the rug to slip around (though with a rug this large it might not slip much). I haven’t noticed any residue when we have lifted things up to clean up a spill or whatever. I also haven’t completely gotten rid of the underlay or rug, so it wouldn’t be super noticeable.
I love your vote on the fireplace! I decided to go for simple and painted it white in February of this year. You can see it here if you want:
Hope your underlay works out well for you! 🙂
Great blog, thanks for your work!!!.
I write from spain, I also want to join two adum rugs, you think a professional to get the union can not see ?.
I would think so, but I would ask around first and see what they think. I think I may have joined mine with the carpet naps going opposite directions, but I’m not a professional, so I’m not certain. If you think about it, let me know what you find out. I’d love to know!
thank you very much.
Today I spoke with an upholsterer, he is sure that the union will not be visible.
This weekend I’ll buy another rug equal and in two or three weeks I’ll send you a photo
bye!! 🙂
That is great! Thanks so much for letting me know. I can’t wait to see!