Well, I’ve totally done it now. I’ve signed up for a half marathon. This has been on my bucket list since 2010 when my cousin and I walked/ran our first 5k. We talked about running a half together. Life has changed for both of us and apparently I am currently the only half crazy(get the pun?!) one who is going to run the half marathon. I think she may be smarter than I am…haha!
I know I can do the race and I am simultaneously scared and overwhelmed with how to get there. I am also struggling a bit right now. My faith in myself is wavering. You see, the heat and humidity hit here, it has really tested my strength and ability to run. I now feel like I am going to keel over with most runs. Where just a few weeks ago running 5 to 6 miles was a snap. My pace was great and while I knew it was work, it wasn’t a question of if I could do the run or not. Now a few weeks later, those same miles feel like they are never ending and like the biggest test of my running thus far. Not very good timing to sign up for a half marathon. It was sign up now (since I know I am going to do it regardless of my fears and current insecurities) or pay another $10 next month. I’m on a budget and cheap…so I signed up now. Races are expensive after all.
I needed a plan to help me feel less overwhelmed with how to get from where I am now to 13.1 miles in November. I searched for a plan that would work for me and didn’t really find anything. Most plans have you running 4 to 5 days per week. I don’t have the time nor do I think my body can handle that much. Honestly, I also just don’t want to run that many days per week. I like my 3 days per week.
Having had an IT band injury earlier this year and feeling that injury with little tweaks here and there, I know I need to be smart with my training. I also need to take longer to train than most plans recommend. I have to add my mileage slowly. That way I won’t irritate my IT band. In addition to all of that, I still need to be somewhat careful about my hip. I tore cartilage in my hip and had surgery to repair that in April 2011. You can read some about my recovery here.
I created my own training plan. I used a bunch of training plans I found by Googling for half marathon training plans as well as a training plan from Train Like a Mother(affiliate link). I also consulted my wise marathon guru (AKA my Dad). He used to run marathons when I was younger. He still rides his bike about 100 miles per week (he is 68!). Both my parents are incredibly fit! I digress…

If you want to be half crazy like me and run a half marathon and/or you think this plan looks like it might actually work, feel free to download your own copy here. The printable is a full resolution pdf version that looks normal unlike the file above.
Lastly, I now have spots on my sidebar for ads. As you can tell from this post, I feel intimidated about taking on this half marathon. Yet, I really want to do it. There is a half marathon training team that starts next month. I would love to take part, in part because I could really benefit from the help. I think it would help me learn the things that I need to learn and figure out this running in the heat thing among other things I think of while running 8 miles(that is A LOT of thinking time). I would also love the camaraderie of knowing other runners and working with a team. I don’t currently have that aspect to my running. The ads will go in my sidebar. If you are interested in sponsoring me, you can learn more about placing an ad by clicking on my Advertising page. The cost of the team is $135. Anyone can advertise on my blog, whether you just want more exposure for your business or you want to sponsor me in my half marathon.
Alright, thanks for reading my long post declaring myself half crazy! I am sure I will be writing more about this journey as I get my training grove going.
To follow along with my regular updates on how my training is going, follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You will see my training report update posts. You can also click HERE to see the latest post in my training updates.
Wow a half marathon training that is amazing, I am just getting ready to run my first 5k in many years. Maybe after a couple of 5ks I will think about a half marathon. Stopping by from Whimsy Wednesday link party
@Renee C. Thanks so much! I think you may be sick of hearing how it goes by November and my race because I plan to share about it here. I think it will be nice to share, keep me accountable and feel like I’ve got training buddies! 🙂
Thanks so much for the nomination. I will have to figure out what that means, but it sounds neat!
I am very impressed! I just started running last year and I just love it. I can’t imagine doing a half marathon, but then I also feel like my usual 5k is no longer cutting it. Can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!
I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! For details go here, just visit https://motherdaughterbookreviews.com/the-versatile-blogger-award-me-uh-huh/
Have a fabulous weekend!
I love your idea of checking with a local running store. There is only one here, so that won’t be hard to check with them. Thanks so much for the idea!
Yes, I lived in Texas for 5 years. I know that heat. It is like it has been here lately. Yucky! I am sure you will do great for your half! Just signing up is amazing, right! We are strong women and we can do this…let’s prove that to ourselves. Good luck! Let me know how it goes.
@Dara I hope your race in November goes fantastically for you! I checked some of their plans out as well. They just usually have more running days than my older (not really but at 40 I have to at least say it has some factor) body can handle. Good Luck!
Aa’s Mom Thanks so much, but I am at least half crazy and not just because of the running. Lol! 😉
@Dad I know you’ve done the running in the heat thing many many times! I know you know all too well that I know about injury and I have thought that there most likely will be some kind of injury along my journey. Like you said the goal is to plugging along and enjoy the journey! Somehow, I think my competitive Dad may have needed some of this advice in his younger years…hmmm?! Love you Dad! Thanks for the tips and advice.
Congrats on signing up for your first half! I’m sure you’ll do great. I find running with someone else is always a great way to pass the miles. You might check if your local running store has free training runs that you could join to meet a running partner. Good luck!
Congrats on signing up for your first half! I’m sure you’ll do great. I find running with someone else is always a great way to pass the miles. You might check if your local running store has free training runs that you could join to meet a running partner. Good luck!
I signed up for a half in November as well… I am scared to death! Thank for the running plan… I’m in TX so the heat is an issue too. Ugh.
I am running a 1/2 in november too! I got my training plan from runner’s world but I’m going to check our yours too.
Hi, coming over from Serentiy now! Love your enthusiasm and definitely do not think you’re crazy!!
I love the fonts and colors!!!! By the way, running in the heat – I’ve done it a few times here in AZ – increases the effort by 30 to 50%. And one more lesson I learned – though maybe it applies to marathons more than a half. But you never really know if you will make it to race day. There are always interruptions – weather (ha, ha), not feeling well, family schedules, and, most importantly, upping your mileage significantly. So you just plug along and keep on your training schedule and know that you probably will make it to the starting line, but there is the possibility you might not. I can remember getting a slight injury and having to back-track on the schedule by doing fewer miles, etc. It’s the journey that counts! Enjoy the ride!! Lub u!
@jenny @ The NY Melrose Family Thanks for your feedback on the plan. Have you run a half before? Mine is in November. I totally agree about listening to my body. Great advice! So glad you will be following along and cheering for me! Thanks!
When is the half? It looks like a great plan to me. The biggest thing I find is to make sure you listen to your body. Good luck! I’ll be following along and cheering for you.
With such a detailed plan in place you will be sure to succeed with your goal. New to your blog and looking around, will have to read up on where you are at with this. I run a link party about health, fitness and well-being, would love for you to link up your posts each week, you can check it out here: https://getonwithitalready.wordpress.com/category/team-friday/
Stacey-Lee 😀
Thanks! I hope you are right about me succeeding. I will head over and check your link party out. It sounds really neat.