I have thought about starting a blog for quite some time….so today, I decided to dive right in! I decided to stop thinking about it and wondering what I would write about and just do it. I seem to have many thoughts, pictures, etc., that I want to share but have felt intimidated to do so. At the moment, I think this blog will be about our lives in general: homeschooling, trips, fun things and so on. I also know that I have quite a few people who want me to do a blog about how we eat as natural and organic as we do for as little as our grocery budget is, so I will try to give some tips on that as well.
Welcome to our family blog… We are the Coake Family and we are the Real Thing (get the play on an old Coke slogan?!). Here is our Real Life! If you want to learn more about us, just head on over to my About Me page. Lots of fun and glitter! 🙂 You can also follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Periscope for even more fun…and possibly more glitter. 😉
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