I haven’t done a weekly review before, but I saw them done on some other homeschool blogs I have been looking at and thought they were fun. So here is my first.
Oh by the way, if you like the calendar above. It is my new calendar! I LOVE it. You can read more and buy yours in my new post about having a real organized calendar or click here to buy it in my shop.
Fantastic Day!! Finally! Snowflake seems to have a harder time adjusting to the stops and starts of school and changing grade levels. So, even though we have been back at school for 4 weeks and today was starting our 5th week, those first 4 weeks have been pretty rough. I have really tried to be patient and understanding with Snowflake as she adjusts to school and a new year and what is expected. Today, it feels like it has finally paid off! She was able to get right to work, work quickly (well for her…she, like snowflakes falling slowly gently to the ground, likes to take her time with most everything). We were even done ahead of my normal time that I want us to be done! Yippee…now if I only didn’t have in the back of my mind that we will be off school next week and therefore get to go through a transition again…of course it won’t be as significant, but still there will be a little adjustment again… oh well, can’t win them all! 😉 I’m going to enjoy my day today!
Pumpkin had a great day today and read me 3 books today. I am amazed at how very quickly she it taking to reading. It seems so fast that I feel like we must be doing something wrong.
Another fantastic and fast school day….I could really get used to this! Had time to actually do something other than school today! Got to make Banana bread and cookies…alone! ooohhh laa laa! The kids were busy having 3 birthday parties for 3 Build-A-Bear’s, so it was like a free afternoon for me. 🙂
Well, the great streak is over and it all came crashing to the ground today. Like I said earlier in the week, can’t win them all! We had a dentist appointment for both girls in the morning. We tried to get to our school work after lunch, but that generally is hard for Snowflake. She has greatly improved in this area and is able to at least do her work (which in the past if we didn’t get work done in the morning it wasn’t possible to get it done). It is just a little bit like pulling teeth (pun intended…since we were at the dentist..haha).
Another day with things in the morning, but at least this afternoon, we were able to get our school work done much better.
Yippee, we are taking the day off! Going swimming with some friends! I don’t know how those of you who homeschool with the traditional school calendar do it. How do you do it? Seriously, leave me a comment, I’d really like to ‘get it.’ After 4 weeks and 4 days…I’m done. Totally need a break. How do you keep going and keep going? That is part of why we school year round… I need regular breaks to keep sane!
Fun Stuff this week:
Snowflake is currently doing a unit on the book The Sign of the Beaver for her Literature unit and the coordinating Science/Social Studies Unit is learning about Native Americans. This is all from Moving Beyond the Page. She got to make Johnny cakes last week. We all ate them, but they were not a hit with our family and we likely won’t be making them again. She also got to make and Indian Corn Dish, which didn’t turn out and therefore didn’t get eaten. Lastly, she got to play in the mud! She made bricks with mud and water, just like the Navajo Indians of the Southwest. They actually worked. I really wasn’t sure if our dirt in our yard would have enough clay in it to actually bind together, but it did!
We were supposed to make a model of a Tipi(or TeePee) this week but didn’t get to that. So we may do that next week even though we are off school next week.
Pumpkin finished up her study of the alphabet. We had been doing a combination of Sing, Spell, Read and Write Preschool (affiliate link) program and the Letters of the Week program from Confessions of a Homeschooler Blog. She is pictured below with our coconut tree. I got the idea for the tree from Confessions of a Homeschooler. It is an idea based on the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Affiliate link)
. I decided that the tree would lean over when it was getting pretty full. It fell over completely one night after she put the final letter on the tree.
Yay, Pumpkin! You finished the whole alphabet…and started reading, too!
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see our latest fun and my creative ideas! Enjoy your day!
Looks like a great week!
We are on a week 5 too, and in some areas I am still waiting for kids to figure out what needs to be done. And the picture with falling letters is adorable, shows how much you learned (even tree can’t handle)! LOL!
Glad that things are getting better. We’re on week two and they haven’t been pretty. Poor curriculum choice this year. Sigh…
After many years, I’ve given up on getting ANY school done on a day when we have a dentist appointment in the morning. Why that never works, i couldn’t say. I only know I’ve thrown in the towel on this one. At best, we’ll come home and watch a semi-school related movie.
@Mrs Random I guess I will have to remember that next time and just not plan a school day.
@Giggly GirlsSorry things aren’t going well for you. Can you change things up now or is too much invested at this point? Hope it improves for you.
@Little Badgers AcademyThanks! Every once in a while I come up with my own tweak or idea that is cute…mostly I just borrow or borrow and modify!
Thanks for sharing, looks like you had a great time! Erica http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com
@Confessions Of A HomeschoolerThanks, Erica! We did have fun with all your creative ideas!